Sunday 19 October 2014


Also Known As:
United States…
Predominant Genre:
Bill Guttentag…
Outstanding Performance:
Ambitious TV network executive tries to produce a controversial reality show where contestants play Russian Roulette.
Alienation | Atheism | Christianity | Compassion | Destiny | Emotional repression | Empathy | Evolution | Friendship | God | Grieving | Guilt | Humanity | Identity | Loneliness | Loyalty | Mercy | Narcissism | Nature | Original Sin | Personal change | Political Correctness | Pornography | Redemption | Religion | Republicanism | Science | Self-expression | Sexism | Sexual Repression | Social class | Snobbery | Solipsism | Stereotyping | Totalitarianism | White culture | White guilt | White supremacy
Similar (in Plot, Theme or Style) to:
Network (1976)…
Review Format:

Hating What You Love

Panem et Circenses

Whites assume everyone is a violent, armchair-brigadier (feigning military experience and know-how) like themselves. Yet, only Eurasians have historically worshiped the pain of others after creating it, in the first place - precisely so they could avoid their own problems by blaming them on others.

This movie represents the schadenfreude of an empty culture dependent on any failure of others that Whites can create. Such a culture produces little yet consumes all it can touch – even those People of Color who assimilate into its essential emptiness.

Whites, having only a formal rather than an actual culture, experience little more than anomie, superficie, negative self-definitions (eg, ‘I’m not Black’), pointless goals (eg, climbing Everest) with the concomitant high rates of such activities as depression, drug-addiction & alcoholism.

White culture as a form of slow suicide is at the core of this movie. While not exactly as subtle as Paddy Chayevsky à la Network, it does make for an amusing satire on Whites; albeit one that is too po-faced about the fact that Whites will do anything for money, that they make films like this that do not fully analyze the culture being critiqued – despite the first-person narrative technique employed.

Whites think the media more real than reality, since this then provides a convenient excuse not to face-up to that reality; that is, to grow up: They thus love the absurdity and the unreality of the kind of tv shows that they misname “Reality tv”. Without a real culture, Whites lack any profound source of identity and life experience, so they created “Reality tv” as a vapid substitute for the self-respect they renounce; hence, the obsession with “Human Interest” to attract audiences when normal humans get this from their actual lives and not from their virtual ones.

The tv network shown here is a macrocosm of any White corporation based on Fear & Greed. They lack the imagination to make their wealth ethically, since they have been used to stealing it from others for centuries. Thus, without innovation, there is no economic progress and, thus, no cultural progress to be paid for by increasing prosperity. This is why White culture (& its cultural forms, like tv) is dying: Lack of interest and the wistful hope that the world owes Whites a living, after all, as it allegedly did in the days of widespread European imperialism.

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No science is immune to the infection of politics and the corruption of power.

Jacob Bronowski… (1908 - 74), British scientist, author. Encounter (London, July 1971).

Sleep of Reason:

The dream of reason produces monsters. Imagination deserted by reason creates impossible, useless thoughts. United with reason, imagination is the mother of all art and the source of all its beauty.

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes… (1746-1828), Spanish painter. Caption to Caprichos, number 43, a series of eighty etchings completed in 1798, satirical and grotesque in form.

Humans & Aliens:

I am human and let nothing human be alien to me.

Terence… (circa 190-159 BC), Roman dramatist. Chremes, in The Self-Tormentor [Heauton Timorumenos], act 1, scene 1.


One leader, one people, signifies one master and millions of slaves… There is no organ of conciliation or mediation interposed between the leader and the people, nothing in fact but the apparatus - in other words, the party - which is the emanation of the leader and the tool of his will to oppress. In this way the first and sole principle of this degraded form of mysticism is born, the Führerprinzip, which restores idolatry and a debased deity to the world of nihilism.