RATING: | 60% |
Caucasian Idiot Abroad
Like everyone with a limited grasp of reality, this tourist assumes his nature is human nature; refusing to experience anything other than self-regard. This explains his fear of travel, in case travel proves him wrong about his assumptions about others.
Fairly-amusing satire of slack-mouthed White supremacy; explaining why UK Whites tend to be Little Englanders and also why - given how widespread they are - other Whites tend to affectionately refer to White supremacists as lovable.
The White affection for xenophobes exists to avoid the label: Race Traitor. Yet this conflicts with the White desire to avoid being labeled: Racist. The rampant schizophrenic guilt of the humor here consists of Whites trying to have their cake and eat it; benefiting from White supremacism while pretending to criticize it. The weak attempt at ironic degradation does not help the comedy nor distract us from what is really going on here.
A show like this allows Whites to attack other cultures as inferior, while appearing not to do so in appearing to attack bigots. Ethnocentrics will laugh with the Idiot;
By not analyzing the benefits that accrue to Whites from the belief in their genetic superiority (&, thereby, implying racism only benefits racists), the racist import of such White media products as this becomes all too clear.
Simply saying, “Racists are stupid” is insincere, unless backed-up by an answer to the question: “Why?” Because there are obvious economic and psychological advantages to phenotypism, any true criticism of it must admit that any White critic is involved in the very political activity being criticized - otherwise the criticism is both hypocritical and lacking in credibility.
Trying to combine Sacha Baron Cohen with Alan Whicker does not really work since, unlike Till Death Us Do Part, there is no explanation as to why an idiot would be an idiot. People are only stupid if there is a benefit to being so: An all-important truth that this show completely evades. Moreover, no-one bites the hand that feeds them without experiencing the fear of losing unearned privileges.
Whites have political problems negotiating the minefield of multi-culture and one certainly hopes this Idiot does not reproduce too often or there will be even more useless eaters in the world.
By making Karl PILKINGTON look more foolish than the Whites who made this program, they hope to look clever - or at the very least cleverer. Yet they never, themselves, say anything clever with which to prove how smart they really are: Like the Plain Jane associating with an ugly girl to make herself look beautiful. In this way, many Whites hope to avoid being reviled as inferior by occulting their stupidity in
In the end, An Idiot Abroad is the story of depressed White males yearning for a return to the simple certainties of the womb when confronted by the exceeding variety of everyday life.